(神奈川県・青木さん) |
Common or Not common?) When people want to measure body temperature, it is common to place a thermometer at armpit or under the tongue, and rectum for the pets. And this is a fixed idea. But why ear is chosen against the common sense?
Many tests on humans have demonstrated that the ear is the
best body site to monitor the brain temperature. The brain
is the most temperature sensitive organ of a body and the
ear canal is very close to the brain. The ear canal is not
affected by respiration or food, it is dry and usually clean.
Only 13 years ago a technology reached a level when it became
possible to design a human ear thermometer. Animals are similar
to people in many respects, but they have only two body sites
were you can measure temperature - the rectum and the ear
canal. Which one is closer to the brain?(copyright (c) Jacob
Fraden) |